Friday, February 15, 2008

The Best Time I Ever had In My Life

The best Time I ever had in my life was when I went to Miami and we stayed at the Palms Resort. That hotel was juckin we had the biggest suite you could ever see. When we went, we went to Walt Disney World and Unversial Stuidos. I got to hang out with Mickey Mouse and other disney cartoons. I went on all the rides except for the roller coasters because I'm afaird of heights and i'm not going up there in the air to throw up. I went bunjee jumping and boy was I scared I about to pee in my pants my heart stop I thought I was about to die. Man we went swimming and I know I seen a shark in the water but every body I thought I was lying and a few hours I got out the water a lady was attack by a shark. While we were at Disney World it started raining real hard out of no where while I on the water sid then all of a sudden started to thruder and scared the shit out of me. While I was not in Miami I met a couple of celebraities not really meet them but I seen them profrom at a concert they had going on down there. After we left Miami we went to Baltimore to visit my cousin in college while we were in Baltimore we desicied to go to Washington D.C., while we were there we got to see many of the important building including the Monument, the cementary were all the soliders were buried and the number one building The White House.


Ms.Lakeya said...

you know you lying you didn't go to no disney world and we dont won't your whole life.

baby shay said...

sounds like you had a great time. do you wish you would have gone on that roller coster. did you give mickey a hug. also i wanted to ask how did you change your back ground color. yes you do have a great page

lashay sigle